
“Smart Environments: Technology and Happiness in Harmony” by Patricia Fraga

It is with great enthusiasm that I join you and the new team of columnists in this new phase of the Abayomi Academy Blog. Here, I envision a space for inspiration, learning, interaction, and feedback. We are about to begin a transformative journey towards smart environments and happiness. And this transformation begins with us, in the small daily gestures that shape the spaces we inhabit.

To embark on this journey, I suggest you set aside a notebook (a paper notebook, to also exercise your brain) with the title “My Journey to Happiness”. It will be your space to write down the activities and record your answers, thoughts, drawings, and ideas along the way.

During this journey, we will be based on the fundamental principles of the Abayomi Methodology, which values not only technology but also the smart use of all the resources we have available. After all, the true intelligence of an environment lies in the way we employ these resources to enrich our lives and those around us.

Our reflections will cover several dimensions that make up the environments we frequent starting with Conscious Citizenship, which encourages us to reflect on our role in society and the world, passing to the Physical and Digital Space, where we will seek to optimize our environments in favor of greater functionality, well-being and happiness. And, of course, we cannot neglect Human Relations, which are the connective tissue of our daily experience.

Let’s talk about Conscious Citizenship: transformation begins with self-knowledge and personal and situational awareness. Therefore, our first step will be to turn our gaze to ourselves and those around us.

Who am I? What are my goals in life? What do I need to live, to achieve my goals, to be happy? What do I want, besides what I need? What brings me happiness? And who are the people who share these spaces with me?

We must be aware of who we are and who we live with. How about starting to write in your notebook?

From there, we will direct our attention to the environments we frequent.

Choose an environment that you consider critical in your home, condominium, office, or company.

You can consider this same place for future reflections, to carry out an effective transformation during our journey.

Carefully, observe this environment, identify areas for improvement, and begin to envision possible changes that can be implemented.

Have you written it down in your notebook? Once you have performed the analysis on an environment and understood the dynamics, it will be easier to understand your entire surroundings.

We will develop simple and practical strategies for more effective management of available resources, whether financial, material, natural, or human. Prepare for an exciting journey towards smarter, more conscious, and happier environments. After carrying out the proposed activity today, feel free to stop by, leave your comments, and share your reflections throughout the month. We will meet again next month to celebrate together the progress made and continue our reflections. We will be eager to see how the changes we started today will echo in your life in the days to come. 

I hope you enjoy the new blog!

Patrícia Fraga, a visionary and dynamic professional, holds a Ph.D. in Architecture, blending her passions for sustainable urbanism, education, and technology. With a multifaceted career spanning engineering, construction, and academia, she’s the Founder and Chief Happiness Officer at Abayomi LLC and Executive Director at Abayomi Academy. Patrícia’s global influence extends through her roles as an international speaker, published author, and advocate for Smart & Happy Environments. Her commitment to cultural inclusivity shapes transformative projects worldwide, emphasizing the integration of technology with environmental responsibility. A mother of five, Patrícia’s journey reflects resilience, innovation, and a dedication to creating positive, sustainable, and joyful living spaces across the globe.

Get to know more about Dr. Fraga: Linked In


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