
Consciousness and Freedom

By Juliana Costa

Consciousness proves that Freedom is the cause, effect, and destiny of every Human Being.

Human Beings come to understand not only the world in which they are inserted but also their relationships within it, upon awakening, developing, and building their Consciousness. But mainly their internal world and what comes to light when one relates to themselves and all things. It is there, and only there, in this whole understanding, where Freedom lives.

This is because Freedom does not imply ideas, conditions, desires, or anything equivalent. After all, you cannot experience Freedom while you are tied to ideas of freedom, or even if you are imposing conditions on this.

In the same sense, the desire to be free does not produce the state of being free. Thus, this gives evidence that, deep down, those who most yearn for Freedom may have already realized that they still don’t have it, or worse, they have already lost it, which is truly dangerous.

In the same sense, those who live in desire and the desire to be free do not experience their Freedom, as no desire produces the state of free being, a time which also highlights the lack of Freedom of those who live from this desire, giving evidence that, in the Deep down, those who most yearn for Freedom may have already realized that they still don’t have it, or worse, they have already lost it, which is truly dangerous.

This is because whoever lives from the desire for Freedom lives the greatest of all confusions. This is much more dangerous than any magic thought. These thoughts are filled with the illusion that being free means doing only what you want and what you can, when in fact Freedom is rooted in doing what is necessary with responsibility.

Human Beings distance themselves from the reason for their existence when Freedom is unbalanced. They begin to fill themselves with material things, while, in truth,  they should be getting rid of these things. Because Freedom is present in empty spaces made possible by Consciousness.

By filling oneself with dispensable knowledge, for example, Human Beings can build thoughts unrestrainedly, to the point of becoming even more enslaved by these, to the point of not being able to keep freedom. In this case, Human Beings tend to suffer even more.

Otherwise, when Human Beings deflate themselves with what is dispensable, they have more scope to be free and become able to experience it as a cause. As it is, Freedom provides to Human Beings knowledge about the truth of the essence of existence, through Consciousness.

When Human Beings have this knowledge, they walk freely and well accompanied by the Truth. In this way, although they still face inevitable risks and dangers, and a series of broad challenges in their lives, everything improves if they have a real notion of the Truth about themselves. This is because, with the Truth, even if these experiences result in errors and generate losses, they tend to be quickly repaired.

Certainly, considering Freedom as the cause of the encounter with the Truth and the effect of Consciousness, It already is a destination of every Human Being.

However, if Human Beings do not understand this, they will live as fearful hostages of adversity, weak playthings of life, and cowering servants of the future, half free and half slave to what may occur.

May Human Beings be guided by Consciousness to a new fertile field where they can, as Socrates suggested, dominate their feelings, thoughts, and actions, thus achieving a calm and free life and finding everything that lies beyond confusion.

Mini-Biography Juliana Costa

Conscientiologist, Educator with experience at all levels of Basic Education in Brazil, and Specialist in Teaching and Self-knowledge, Consciousness and Education, Neuropsychology, and Psychopedagogy. Master’s student in Clinical and Counseling Psychology with a focus on Job Satisfaction, Decent Work, Big Five Personality Factors (Big Five), and Mental Health. Teacher of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in face-to-face and distance learning modes. Coordinator of the Support, Accessibility, and Inclusion Center at a Brazilian College. Speaker with international experience in Denmark, Australia, the United States, Mexico, Portugal, and Brazil. Writer of several articles and book chapters, as well as the series “Approaches to Consciousness in its Pragmatism”. Consultant in Education Sciences in several public and private companies.

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