
Open Letter on the Legitimacy of the Voting Process for the Abayomi Academy International Award

By Abayomi Academy

Dear Abayomi Community,

We are immensely grateful for everyone’s incredible participation in our recent popular vote for the Abayomi Academy International Award. It was wonderful to see how this initiative extended beyond our direct connections, spreading through the networks of the 55 candidates from 11 different countries. We appreciate everyone who took the time and effort to vote.

We have received some messages questioning the way the voting was conducted. We would like to clarify that, although we did not explicitly communicate the absence of a limit on the number of votes per person, the format of the form allowed for multiple votes, and this possibility was equally available to all participants. Due to the format of the Google platform form, we cannot verify the IP of each of the nearly 200,000 votes and did not anticipate the need for an audit of the process, relying on the integrity of the Google platform to count the votes.

Furthermore, similar practices are adopted in renowned popular votes, such as American Idol and Big Brother Brasil, where multiple votes per person are allowed, reinforcing that this approach is widely accepted and does not compromise the legitimacy of the winners. These votes reflect genuine public engagement, allowing for broader and more dynamic participation.

We deeply value the concerns expressed and want to assure everyone that we are attentive to these issues. For future editions of the award, we are considering implementing a system that allows only one vote per person, further ensuring the integrity and fairness of the process.

Our respect and appreciation go out to everyone who participated in this event, whether by voting, promoting, or participating as candidates. Every vote, share, and support helped make this award remarkable.

Thank you for being part of the Abayomi Academy and for contributing to the recognition of exceptional professionals around the world. We will continue working to improve our initiatives and celebrate everyone’s talent and dedication.

With gratitude,
Abayomi Academy