
Consciousness and Prevention

By Juliana Costa

When we talk about Prevention, we have to think about a limit. Yes, a limit, a fine line between reality and illusion. Although prevention is the idealization of something that is to come, unlike illusion, this idea is and is always based on the previous content one has regarding the experiences.  And learning that led the Human Being to reach this point in time is also part of this content. Therefore Consciousness.

Consciousness, more than makes prevention possible, hence it is not only to prevent but also to provide the necessary resolutions. Those who make use of it in an increasingly voluntary way, tend to find themselves less and less in situations that are difficult to solve. Avoiding the midst of doubts of a large scale and dimension. It is Consciousness that provides the path to prudence, which is contrary to the dazzle of the imagination.

As a human quality, Consciousness enables humanity to live based on anticipation as a safe method of action. Though without the illusion of unbridled imagination, but rather based on the solid foundation of understanding.

Consciousness is the key to prevention because it allows Human Beings to develop a coherent commitment to caution. Which is responsible for orchestrating both human actions and human consequences, or results. This leads them to even greater achievements. These achievements are due to caution, anticipation, and prevention, which makes it difficult for Human Beings to be caught by surprise.

Still, with Consciousness, there may be moments when new challenges may take place. In these moments, the Human Being can even, in order not to get frustrated, declare to themselves or others something such as “If it’s God’s desire, may it be”. However, everything that can be controlled, better known, or even understood, must be. Being ready for this is also a matter of caution, anticipation, prevention, prudence, that is, Consciousness.

From the moment Human Being understands Consciousness as a condition sine qua non-making prevention, not an illusion, they start not only to value their experiences but also to pay more and more attention to their daily lives. This way, learning improves more and more from everything that surrounds them. This is the construction of a repertoire essential to their voluntary and conscious evolution.

What if along the way this Human Being sporadically finds oneself inattentive, insecure, lost in their imagination or so? Once you have made use of Consciousness, It is always there, available for you to use it!

Although Consciousness is fundamental as well as indispensable to the Human Being, it is not held responsible for the choices they make throughout their lives. It functions as a friend, advisor, guide, and cartographer of life, whose function does not cease, even if the Human Being tries to ignore it, forget it and/or not observe it.

Once Human Consciousness is awakened, built, and developed, there will always be the possibility of resorting to this Consciousness infinitely. Because once we open the room to Consciousness, it naturally guides us. 

Therefore, it is up to the Human Being to strive for the development of their Consciousness now and forever. Thus, no need to suffer in anticipation, or better yet, due to imagination, but rather solve it all by the practice of caution and prudence and, consequently, prevention.

Not that this is the function of Consciousness. Far from it. The function of Consciousness is comprehending. Prevention is a gift provided by Consciousness.

Conscientiologist, Educator with experience at all levels of Basic Education in Brazil, and Specialist in Teaching and Self-knowledge, Consciousness and Education, Neuropsychology, and Psychopedagogy. Master’s student in Clinical and Counseling Psychology with a focus on Job Satisfaction, Decent Work, Big Five Personality Factors (Big Five), and Mental Health. Teacher of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in face-to-face and distance learning modes. Coordinator of the Support, Accessibility, and Inclusion Center at a Brazilian College. Speaker with international experience in Denmark, Australia, the United States, Mexico, Portugal, and Brazil. Writer of several articles and book chapters, as well as the series “Approaches to Consciousness in its Pragmatism”. Consultant in Education Sciences in several public and private companies.

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