
📢 Meet Our 2025 Blog Columnist: Wagner Azevedo Pereira!

Wagner Azevedo Pereira was born in Nova Iguaçu/RJ – Brazil. He has a degree in Literature and a postgraduate degree in Portuguese Language. He is currently studying Law at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. He received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa (OMDDH and APALA-RJ). He is the author of 36 books, including 21 dictionaries, 2 books of short stories, and 1 of sonnets, in addition to participating in 12 anthologies. He collaborated with the website E-Dicionário de Termos Literários and is the 2nd Vice-President of IICEM (International Institute of Culture in Movement). He is also a columnist for Rádio Tropical AM 830, in the section O Dicionário Aberto. He will be publishing in Portuguese for the Column Cidadania Consciente.

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